MyHousecoat – more than just an apron – and definitely not a dressing-gown!
Before I start explaining what you need to know about MyHousecoat, - let me first explain how it came about.

For the past 15 years at least, every time I do jobs around the house and garden and get my own clothes dirty, I’m remembering my parents, and my neighbours and our friends mams and dads, wearing something over their clothes. I knew instinctively as a child that seeing people wearing these – both men and women –it was not unusual. I knew they were working, doing jobs something, somewhere! But as I got older, no-one wore them, and I found myself time and time again, wishing I had one, but couldn’t get one anywhere!

When I was at the top of my career, (Marketing / Brand manager) my days usually involved lots of meetings – yes, face to face ones! – and that involved me wearing ‘good’ work clothes, and these generally had to be dry cleaned. So, coming in from work, picking the kids up from creche and then tying to work at high speed to light a fire, get dinner on etc… bang! Clothes dirty in seconds.

Of course I never have the time to quickly run upstairs and change! So, this is where the seed of thought was born! Everything starts with an idea, an imagination right? Then off I go – thinking, and planning – taking this concept, this  functional practical garment and bringing it forward to now, here in 2022, in a way that will work for our lifestyle and with a few little extras!

After looking down many avenues for production and doing extensive research I can now say that I am really proud that I have decided on not one, but three designs for MyHousecoat. Still same principal that I started out with - keeping clothes clean while doing dirty jobs – but with a new twist!

So – MyHousecoat – is more than an apron – but if you want it to be one, it can be! (Especially the sleeveless.) Plus it is not a ‘Housecoat’ as typically this is a simple ‘dressing gown’ and certainly MyHousecoat is much more than that! However, I decided to name it MyHousecoat as this was the name rolling around in my head for years and would not go away!

So – what is is it? MyHousecoat is the perfect solution to keeping your clothes clean while you get on with those home and garden jobs. It has been uniquely designed to cover your own clothes, but give you flexibility to do your jobs. Easy to move around in, lightweight, easy to wash and dry, easy to hang up and grab and go! This is something really functional and useful, so useful in fact that most  of my customers have said they can’t understand how they have managed for so long without one! At the moment each design is available in a fresh lilac colour and we will be bringing out more colours later this year. So thank you for taking the time to read this, and understand more about the journey I have
travelled with this simple idea. I will have more blogs and through these hopefully we can share together ideas, thoughts, tips and tricks – not only that I have – but also those which I plan to pick up from you also along the way. Most of all, I hope you enjoy wearing one of MyHousecoats and that you find it Fashionably beautiful, practically brilliant!

As a friend recently said to me ‘Sometimes the simple ideas are the best’.
